5-31-03 - 3 34 am

things are changing between rebekah and i. i took three people home tonight, and she was the last one i dropped off.

we had a good talk.

we talked about emily and i. she said it was weird, but not in a bad way, that we were dating.

she said "you are crayon. and she's emily. and you are crayon. CRAYON."

and i laughed and asked what that meant.

"well, you're this to me, and she's my best friend. it's just weird."

3 more days. maybe 2, depending on when she's getting home and when she calls me.

she wasn't too clear on it.

i know what's going to happen, though. monday, around 7 pm i'm going to call, hoping she's already back.

and all ill say is just yeah, i missed you.

tomorrow is a car wash. i'm kind of the cohead of it. i have talked about wearing a cow outfit i have, complete with udders, to draw attention.

however, what people do not realize, at least not yet, is that wearing it makes me dance.

its a horrible horrible trait, but oh it's a great dance.

back to rebekah:

im liking the direction our friendship is taking.

she got me a birthday gift. it's the first birthday gift i've recieved, outside of my family.

okay. i am tired, and im not really saying anything.

i am going to go eat, get some sleep in me, be all prepared for tomorrow.

what a long day it will be.

but maybe it'll be so filled up with what nots that it makes tuesday come even sooner.

because i am all pitiful and what not.


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