4-10-03 - 12 17 am

i asked her, last night, slumped in a metal chair, looking at the ceiling, i asked her if she thought i was a good person.

because if anyone knows, at this point, it is her.

she said yes.

i said why do you say that?

she said because you're nice to everyone.

and this is when i think maybe she started using "people" to mean herself.

she continued: and you do things to make people happy even when they dont deserve it.

i went out with a group of friends tonight i ususally dont go out with. often.

which led to a trip to the dollar store.

which led to me buying gifts for people. nothing big. more weird, than anything else.

i gave one of the gifts tonight. he loved it, as i figured he would. we both have a soft spot for sacreligius humor.

i got the other gift for a girl. i got my courage up and called her.

you can read that as: i like her. a little. enough to be nervous about calling.

she wasnt there. i was slightly relieved.

but then she called me back.

and i missed her call.

so then i called her back. and she answered. and all rushed like (but im sure in a completely charming and overwhelmingly endearing way) i said hi i got you something and i am really impatient and cant wait until friday to give to you so i wondered if i could give it to you tonight but then i remembered you have a softball game tomorrow so i will just give it to you then.

and then we talked for thirty minutes about nothing, but it was good.

i need to tell her, soon, thanks.

i needed someone new and refreshing in my life, someone ot brighten me up again.

and she's made me happy at a time where not much is truly making me happy.

so i need to thank her.

and i need to go to sleep.

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