5-28-02 - 7 20 am

ever since kim and i became serious, my fantasies have taken a turn.

now they're all about her.

and not all of them are overtly physical.

the top one, right now, involves her and me alone, together, in a bedroom.

standing in the center.

kissing her, softly. pulling back to look in her eyes. touching her cheek.

and that's all.

or maybe laying in bed, on my right side, with her behind me.

and then feeling the bed shift slightly. having her move closer to me, slide her arm across my stomach.

feeling her warmth around me.

i got to see her yesterday.

i got to touch her and kiss her quickly and see her smile.

theres a chance, right now, where i might not really get to see her anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks.

thats sooner than i thought.

but still too late.

ah i just want to be with her.

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