4-30-02 - 12 05 am

last saturday i took her and a mutual friend out to dinner.

i made her laugh, during it. i made her laugh so hard, she bent over, down to the side, her eyes closed.

theres something about holding her hand that i just really really like. if shes near me, i want to at least be holding her hand, if not pulling her against me, or touching her.

in the food place, under the table, i kept rubbing her leg, hoping she would grab my hand. and hold it.

eventually, she did.

and i probably had a stupid little grin on.

yesterday, the urinal blew up right as i was finishing my entry. i went to help out. wasnt much help. mopped a bit, moved a pool table across the room.

today, as i was working one of the nonpaying jobs, three policemen came into the place. they talked to this guy.

it was all very weird, and i never figured out if the guy had mental problems or not. think he did, always suspected as much, but he seemed kind of harmless whenever i dealt with him.

at the paying work, saturday, stephanie had found this toy.

you pulled it back, it rolled across the floor. arm chopped up and down and such.

this three year old kid was in the foyer, and i went out and showed him the toy. stephanie came out with me.

he stood there, smiling, and watched it. then i told him to do it back, so he tried.

didnt work. told him to try again. worked.

he smiled and squatted down, and steph just watched us play for a few minutes.

then we gave him the toy.

steph said it was so cute it made her almost want to cry. and steph meant it. so i laughed at her.

steph. she's great. she found out kims mom doesnt like me, and she exploded. asked why, said i was the greatest, stephs mom loved me.

she made me smile.

ah. now i should be sleeping.

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