4-22-02 - 12 02 am

we watched a movie saturday night.

a little after halfway into the movie, she rested her head on my shoulder. i let out a big sigh, because it just felt that good. then she moved away.

i leaned over, asked her to come back. pointed to where her head was. she sort of smiled. came back.

the second time she came back towards my shoulder, there was this explosion in the middle of my chest.

this warmth hit my sternum then spread outward. through my shoulders to my fingers, my kness to my toes.

all because she just put her head on my shoulder.

and then i got to take her home and spend the night with her.

we stayed up, way too late. as usual.

we talked.

and we didnt talk.

she wore my robe to the bathroom.

at one point, we were on our stomachs. her cheek was against my shoulderblade, her arm wrapped around my side.

we talked about having kids. not together, and not together anytime soon, but just having them.

she's not sure if she ever physically wants to have a child. but she said it would be worth it.

know what a great thing is?


but that's not what im talking about.

what a great thing is is that when someone asks her if she's single or what not, she tells them she has me.

she has me.

and, man. does she.

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