3-13-02 - 1 10 am

ive bled, some, these two days from where they did the biopsy.

i never notice, until it i look and there is blood, seeped through my clothes.

i feel slight discomfort, but not as much as when they did it, and not as much as yesterday.

i love you twice as much as yesterday... but only half as much as tomorrow.

like right now, i grimace slightly when i move a certain way.

but its not enough to stop me from running or climbing trees or eating pudding.

mmmmm, pudding.

in all your slap smack goodness, pudding, i love you.

i was the only manager at work today, all day. this has never happened before.

i went to pick up money, before we opened. learned a deposit we had made was 2000 some odd dollars short.

so that was a nice rough start to my day.

i had the manager above me come in, to help me figure out why we were missing 2000 dollars. i figured it out before she called me back, before she came, but i wasn't sure, because the bank was confused.

but what i thought ended up being right.

talked to my manager. pretty much sure, now, that i'll be an assistant soon enough.

i am really tired right now.

i was tired this morning, and kim called. i couldnt bring myself fully awake, so it sounded like i was a bit bothered she called.

i wasnt. i was frustrated i couldnt tell her what i wanted to tell her.

i do remember telling her i loved her. and her pausing a moment, then telling me she loved me.

we talked about it. but not about her pause.

i let her down this morning.

thats enough of that.

now, im sleeping.

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