12-4-01 - 8 34 pm

yesterday was weird. high and lows and then this morning a really bad headache and this little kid threw up at school and everything's connected, trust me.

i had a lot of fictional money that i had to spend. so i got four of my friends and treated them to dinner. then we went out and bought a lot of candy. A LOT.

i was pulling candy off the shelves, because they didn't have cases of them.

it was like i was seven years old and living my dream life.

i got outside, and we were loading jen's truck up with my candy, and i said "yall, this is one of the happiest days of my life."

and this twelve year old girl we were watching for her mom looked at me and started laughing because i looked like i was about to cry.

yo, i was about to cry. i was so happy and moved and it's just amazing, being able to buy that much candy, and giving it away.


before this, and during this, i had a headache beginning in the back of my skull. i moved around it.

later, later, later, i was talking to the girl. and that might have gone somewhere, it might have gone nowhere. it looks nowhere. but its still too soon to tell.

and the headache came storming up to the front of my skull. and it made me tired and it hurt and i wanted to cry, so i went to bed.

i woke up this morning with it still chaining me to my bed. the back half of my skull was missing, and in replace of the bone i was left with an anchor.

it took me till sleeping until about 11 am before it wore off enough that i felt like showering and going about my day.

i bought a shirt tonight.

i think it is very touchable. mmmmm.

you want to touch me.

but no, i shant allow it!

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