11-12-01 - 3 33 pm

yesterday was veterans day. which made me think of my grandpa.

he's been gone 8 months.

people come in your life, people leave.

people stay.

it'll be a busy night, but instead of going ahead and getting things done, im sitting on my ass.

but such a refined ass it is.

i need to eat something, soon. yes indeed.

to make my ass even more refined.

i was thinking of taking a walk today. instead of, you know, doing the work i really do need to do.

maybe i can find someone who wants to walk with me.

oh, i found out this pay period i worked over 50 hours. which, you know, is in consideration that i only work weekends there.

i had dreams. in one dream, i woke up from dreaming to find kim had come to surprise me, and she was sitting on the bed next to me. i grabbed her and pulled her down into bed with me and we went to sleep.

she wore this black shirt saturday. not tight but, well. form fitting, you know. and the lines of her body between her shoulders and her hips...

she honestly has no idea how great looking she is. her lines, they're beautiful.

bah. wont get to talk to her tonight. bah bah bah.

ok. im going to go, walk or some such. eat perhaps. find a friend to admire my ass. you know.

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