9-23-01 - 10 21 am

without my glasses or contacts, i cant see clearly out of a two feet range.

we were sitting in the car, i had taken my glasses off. people were walking back and forth, i told her i couldn't see them.

then i said no, i could see them. big blue blobs or white blobs and there was one white blob.

she asked if could see the car that was driving past. i told her no, all i could see were two lights, one orange and one red. it took me a long time to see the white body of the car.

i sat there with her, telling her everything i saw. listening to her laugh when i explained how the sign was green, not realizing it really was white.

we didnt get any breaks together yesterday. so when one of us was on break, we stayed in box. sitting next to the one actually working.

she sat on the floor near my chair, at one point.

i let my fingers trace over her ear, down her jaw, around her cheek, sratching the back of her neck. she leaned forward, resting her head against my knee, saying how she could fall asleep.

i need to take a shower, so i can be clean.

i have no idea what i'm working today. hopefully not box, so i can get breaks with her.

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