9-3-01 - 10 59 am

somehow we got to talking about eyes.

and she admitted she didn't know what color mine were. she knew, but she didnt know what to call it.

she said they're blue, but they're green, too. some inbetween, that changes, and she can't give it a color name.

later, in the twilight, as we sat outside in a gazebo in an empty park, as it misted down and we talked, i asked her what color my eyes were, right then.

she told me gray.

her eyes are blue.

but more than just blue.

crystallized blue that turns into deep blue around the rim of her iris.

she told me, too, that last week she would be thinking about me, while she was at school or where ever, and then just sigh sort of, and her best friend would ask her what she was thinking of.

she would say "what do you think?"

and her friend would go "awwww."

alright. now ive gotta go take a shower so i can be all clean like for work.

yall have a good day for me.

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