8-8-01 - 1 59 am

she told me, tonight, that she liked me.

that she wanted me to know that.

that she liked me.

i left to compose myself and it hit me and im pretty sure i jumped up and clicked my heels together.

although i cant guarentee the heel click. it felt like an in the air heel click moment.

i drove her around tonight, to find jumper cables, because her car died. and my car, odd enough, DIDNT have cables.

and as we were driving, i let my arm rest across the arm seat, into her air space. so if she wanted to, my hand was there.

and she wanted to.

and everytime.

part of me just turns to liquid.

and then there are the times when she scratches my palm gently with her nails and i just turn to hot hot liquid.

hot sleepy liquid.

so sleepy.

beddy time.


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