7-20-01 - 11 49 am

my babys american made.

and thats all i have to say about that.

i had this dream. long, but good, dream.

she was laying in bed. ready to sleep. i had just returned home from doing an errand.

she had been waiting up for me.

had cleaned, had straightened up. had put my bags away, put her bags away.

i was walking around the bedroom, trying to find shorts, so i could take a shower and change into them.

because i didnt want to sleep next to her smelling like whatever i smelled like.

and i wanted to sleep in a tshirt and shorts so as she wouldnt think i was putting the moves on her.

she kept talking to me as i was walking around.

saying she didnt kick in her sleep. that she knew of. but that she would get scared.

because her night light wasnt in. so i told her to put it in. she said no, then i couldnt sleep. convinced her to put it in.

i left, to go to the kitchen, to put off sleep. and she followed.

she was eating something, when i turned around. sitting there, eating something.


i laughed, asked her how they were, if she was just going to not share. at all.

she picked a stick up and put it in my hand. then guided my hand to where she could eat the stick from it. she bit into it, laughed around it, talked.

made it all really... sort of sensual, i guess. BUT but, she didnt realize what she was doing, i think.

which made me love her even more.

she was just being herself.

then there was a phone call. and i knew who it was. so it rang twice. then i answered.

and it was kim.

and it was nice. because she laughed some and made me laugh and we just talked back and forth and made plans for this afternoon.

she's a good kid. yeah.

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