6-15-01 - 5 50 pm

today hasnt been as bad as i thought it would be.

granted, i still have six hours left to work (im on break right now.), and even at that i dont know how long i will be at the place of employment because i might take kim home.

might. take kim home.

kim's a good kid. and before yall start oohhing and awwwing and such, that is exactly what she is: a kid. if she was my age, i'd have a crush on her, but she is not and hence i will look after like she is blood.

she knew who spongebob squarepants was, and that, my friends, impressed me.

it was hard to sleep more than three hours at a time last night. i had weird dreams, too. flying and andy was chasing me and flying with someone on my back or holding me, im still not sure, and sex.

there was sex in my dreams. not good sex, and not with anyone i know. clumsy, hey stick this here, sex.

there was, as a weird bookend to that dream, another dream last night. a beautiful girl i do not know except for in dreams was there.

we were friends about to fall into something more so, but she kept putting me off because she was "with" someone else. but we would go out to eat with other people, and i would make her sit across from me so as to be able to look at her easier.

there was also one of those games with the arm where you try to pick things up. except it was all magnetized.

and there was a squid and an octopus getting it on and then trying to attack us.

not all in that order.



the idea has been brought up and i am wary with the home address, but but but i am willing to do the po box, IF PEOPLE TELL ME YES.

thats the key. yall have to show interest.

ok. i should go back to work now. or pretend like i am.

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