6-3-01 - 9 53 pm

guess what, oh lovely diary?

i laughed hard at work, today, because a coworker (who is sixteen) tried to set me up with another coworker (who is seventeen, but looks thirteen and first told me they were 21. so believe what you want to believe, eh.)

i laughed because it was so cute and i felt so old and i still dont think they realize how old i really am.

granted, i am not ancient, but, well, it is illegal.

and the kid just isnt my type.

the worker trying to get us to "hook up" kept coming over to me and going "let me give them your number!"

and i kept laughing and laughing, but gave them my number.

crazy youth, how i do remember the days.

i saw moulin rouge tonight. fucking amazing, dear diary, fucking amazing.

i would now like the chance to woo nicole kidman, please.

i was recently found, via google, through "christ on a stick."

"christ on a stick: when jello pudding pops just doesnt save the soul."

i feel like falling asleep right now, dear diary.

if you were here would you let me drive you to a city an hour or two away from me so we could eat dinner where barbara works?

you would?

that is why you are my favorite.

i really liked moulin rouge.

i also really liked the free drink i had at the same time i was there.

now i am here and would like to sleep.

i just typed gere instead of here.

so that is a cue from my deep inner soul that i would now like to be called gere.

thank you and goodnight.

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