3-30-01 - 11 54 am

our song is playing, i said.

but you were away, in another room, door shut, unable to hear.

i told the other people: that, that's our song.

i went to the door and knocked, so you would know it was playing.

you didnt come out. i didnt force you out.

you came out, after a few more songs had played, and someone else told you our song had been on.

i sat on the couch and watched you.

i dont miss you as much, today, as i thought i would.

but maybe that's because i just woke up.

maybe its because i know you'll be back soon.

or maybe its because i never cared for you as deeply as i said i did.

onto other things:

my mouth dries out easily. its a pain when im trying to sleep.

im a picker im a grinner im a lover im a sinner im playin my music in the sun.

someone said of me, monday, that i am a "beautiful person with a creative mind, a loving, compassionate spirit, and an understanding of the beauty of living that is far beyond most people."

i found out who wrote that (it was written on a dry erase board) and punched their arm.

it meant a lot coming from who it came from.

i need to clean.

you are the cutest thing i ever did see, really love your peaches want to shake your tree.

it was raining this morning. soft drops of cold cold rain. i zipped my bright blue fuzzy jacket up, i pulled my sleeves down, and walked.

the rain came down but i didnt feel it.

i saw it in the way it hit the streets, i saw it in the way that lady ran to her car, i saw it when a friend yelled at me that an umbrella works.

but i didnt feel it.

i did feel a pulling at my shoulder, internally.

i dont feel enough pulls, internally.

i have stuff to do, so i will leave now.

yall smile, have a good day, and be safe.

someone out theres awaiting your return. it might just be me, too.

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