3-17-01 - 3 13 am

you can always tell this is coming when im just stupidly upbeat in a previous entry.

i really need to talk to someone right now, but the few people i want to talk to are asleep, and i wouldn't feel right calling them, not so late.

so im going to sleep.

i just needed to get this down and out somewhere.

why do things change?

i mean, i know why they change. i understand. they have to.

they have to.

its all a part of life, right?

but there should be somethings that remain solid through it all.

and there are two things, for me, and i'm damn grateful for them.

her love and grover.

i know those are the two i can always carry with me.

and i just have to remind myself of that.

the thing is, i have grover next to me.

i dont have her.

i really wish someone was around right now.

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