1-16-01 - dont know

dont make me come over there and love you... cause its... a short walk...

as soon as i get a hold of martine i'll work out some time to get a tattoo this week. ive decided to get a star, probably green, on my arm, right below my wrist. dont have to explain why, so i wont, so neiner neiner neiner.

talked to a friend and her dad tonight.

i told you, parents love me. i wasnt lying.

but, yeah, they couldnt stop laughing at my drawl.

i tell you, theres nothing like saying something and having a father laugh his ass off.

shit, maybe if martine comes around early enough i'll get the damn tattoo tonight.

oh, yeah, the woman of my dreams, by the by, can whoop my ass in air hockey. or at least give me a damn good run for my money.

if my dad was a big grizzly bear i would be a panda bear.

but not a cuddly panda bear, oh no. i'd be a... uh... fierce panda bear!

but yeah, size wise you get the idea. so i was home tonight and i was picking on my sister, so he grabs me from behind and lifts me like three feet off the ground, swinging me around and such.

so i kicked out and sort of tapped my sister a few times, and she was laughing/screaming, so he put me down.

the end.

ease up odessa cmon honey take it slow ease up odessa.

so im moving my stereo to where its right next to my head below my bed.

i need to clean up.

ah, and i was talking to another friend earlier this evening. she's still trying to get me to "hook up" with someone.

even though she knows how i feel about the girl and all.

so yeah.

brief affair she believes is in order.

and now i must eat a late supper.

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