12-30-00 - 3 52 pm

i have had a very productive day, diaryland.

it has consisted of me sending out emails such as the following:

"i like marathons. but only if im watching them on tv. and no one's running.

the end."

i know you did not get an email such as this. and i am sorry. but email me, quick! and i will email you a lovely nugget of pearl from me, crayon.

c to the r the ayon.

i watched nine hours of angela anaconda.

i have a fun life, diaryland.

in about twenty minutes i am going to sleep.

i made a drawing today. if you would like to see it, email me quick! and i will send it to you. maybe. if you say please.

and somehow mention butter.

butter is the secret word for today.



oh ho ho. if the girl was here right now she would say "you are silly."

and i would say "perhaps."

and then i would think of the fact that she never emails me anymore. not even to say butter.


now i am sad diaryland.

sad like i lost my furry little kitten. but, aha! i did not lose my furry little kitten so i am not sad now!

oh dear god there was a really evil sound from upstairs. but it is over now.

i would have protected you, diaryland.

i am lonely. and tired. so i think maybe i will take a long nap, diaryland.


say butter, once, for me, diaryland. and smile, too.

maybe do both at the same time.


i leave now.

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