12-15-00 - 6 56 pm

i think enough time has passed i can talk about my dream.

i took a nap this morning from about 10 till 12.

in this nap i had this aforementioned dream. it turned out to be a nightmare.

first it started out all epic-y like with me winding up to be the reincarnation of hercules.

i got to wear a heavy robe for that.

and as i was walking to the parthenon like building the coat was dragging behind me and people were playing soccer and there was a dry fountain.

then the dreams changed.

i was in this dark room that was like a garage but it had many different fish tanks. all on metal bookcases on cement floors.

the fish were evil.

man eaters and such.

and so i was walking around them, trying to get out, and a friend of mine was there. she was looking at one tank where the worst fish was.

there was something in it she needed to get out, but she couldnt, because the fish would eat her.

or bite her and pass along deadly poison.

i cant remember.


sheesh. get off the back will you?

alright, so i say ill do it, because im hercules you know, and as i start to roll my sleeves up (i can be bit by a poisonous fish but i cant get my shirt wet) the crazy man runs in hits my friend over the head with a book.

she falls down.

dreams change.

and i dont really want to go on, but i will.

there was this three year old kid. a boy. i remember how small he was. i grew fond of him quickly. he grew fond of me.

talked to his mother. his mother told me the truth behind why she married his father. not because he had finally grown to be 6'4", but because they knew it was right. thats why she gave him her necklace.

dont ask me, it makes sense in the context of the conversation, but im not going to type it out.

then my grandma needed help making something for dinner. so i left the kid, helped, and she got my yellow sweater dirty. so i went back to find this yellow shirt i had noticed earlier. took off my sweater.

ooh la la.

and put on the other shirt. it was button up, thin. too tight around the shoulders.

and then people just started going crazy. shootings and stabbings and mayhem.

a moment of peace.

everyone was bloody. dancing around like they were crazy. the little boy was there. no mother.

i took him, sat him on my knee, yelled for my family to listen.

they could kill or touch whoever they wanted to, but so help them if they touched this child i would kill them without a second thought.

then someone started banging on my door so i woke up.

if i told you the whole dream, it would make sense. what im working on are the pieces ive given you. they mean something, theyre telling me something about life.

and im working on it. i know a little, i understand a little, but still.

there it is.

im hercules.

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