12-11-00 - 11 51 am

without my pride.

last night i fell asleep on the parents couch. i had considered getting up, moving to my old bed, but i didnt. the cat had climbed on me. had fallen asleep as soon as he hit my stomach.

he had flipped over soon after falling asleep. rolled a little.

his head was tilted back on my shoulder. his body in that lull between arm and body.

id feel like an ass moving.

nudged his head with my cheek. told him thank you.

she was my conscience in my dreams. thats all shes ever been in my dreams.

that, or a sign that she was about to reach out. if she wasnt doing anything in the dream, it was a sign she was ready to talk.

but the other dreams. shes been there kicking me in shape.

you think im weak. i think youre wrong.

she was in my dream. two nights ago.

in my parents house. she was laying on the recliner. i came in from the kitchen, or i was going into the kitchen and turned around, im not sure. but she was leaning back, trying to get my attention.

i looked down and her neck was exposed and i can remember thinking, maybe even saying, that she always had the most beautiful neck.

and i cant remember the rest, cept i think she rolled off the chair and yelled at me because i needed to be yelled at.

i am being such a lazy ass. i am now going to attempt to change that by finishing up some work that shouldve been finished yesterday. in theory. we shall see.

oh we shall see.

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