12-7-00 - 2 12 pm

ive got bout fifteen minutes before i leave with work. then, after work, im meeting up with some friends, exchaning secret santa gifts.

basically im just putting my gift into a bag. its kind of cheap, no tissue paper or such, but its near bout exact to what the guy wants. i believe.

OH DAMN i wonder if i kept the reciept in case... no, no i didnt.


he better like it. thats all ive gotta say.

my throat is much better. i still sound bad when i talk, but at least i can talk.

i should clean up the area around the bed soon. yes.

ah me. the girl.

things are going to be rough for the next while. she wants me to be mad, and because i can only have spurts of mad with her, i just cant. and because i cant, she'll feel even worse.

and she doesnt need to.

ah. things to talk about and work out and smooth over and put behind us.

7 minutes.

i should probably leave.

ah, by the by, ive been sort of lack in my email responses, and i do apologize. ill get back on track soon enough.

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