10-26-00 - 5 47 pm

once again i've fallen into the trap of being easily distracted.

all yesterday and today all i've had to drink is:

water. chocolate milk. lemonade.

yeah buddy.

there has been research done on whether or not circumcisized boys have a higher tresh hold of pain when they had local anesthetic with the circumcision as opposed to baby boys who didn't with the circumcision.

apparentally those that didnt react to low amounts of pain.

to test this theory out more, they took new born rats and injected some with... something... that made their paws swell up and become painful to walk on. they left other new born rats alone. later, after the rats grew up, the ones who experienced that pain right after birth, had more pain receptors in their spine.

further research is being done.

in the middle of the night i rolled over, half out of it, and thought to myself:

self, you are now healing your throat. it will not feel funny when you swallow.

and then i rolled the other way and went back to sleep.

when i woke up i was sort of laying in bed watching the ceiling. didnt remember the midsleep muttering.

i swallowed just to judge my throat and calculate how difficult my day would be based on that.

it was free of all funny stuff.

so i was sure i was swallowing the wrong way.

yeah, in the morning, or whenever i just wake up, im not the brightest one out there.

so i swallowed again.

nope. no pain at all.

i think that counts to me deserving to be a saint.

thank you.

i really want to not have to do what i have to do tonight.

it wouldnt be so bad if i actually started working on it, and went through with it, but eh.

im a complainer.

how does her world spin... without me in her nest... could there really be such happiness.

oh, yes, by the by, i believe if i were to turn into an animal righthismoment i would be a moose.

yes. you heard me. a moose.

i dont have a chance of writing the book, i just want to be a page...

dun de dun.

eh. work calls.


heh. nah, it's all good g.

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