10-12-00 - 12 54 am

im writing right now.

like really writing. and it feels good. but, as it usually is when i write, i dont know when to stop. i could stop right now and have twice as much done as i began with, but im afraid of losing what i have, even though little notes are jotted here and there.

i said today, out loud to myself, "its my writing pocket." and dear lord even i could hear my drawl then.

shake and bake. and i helped.

oooohhhh man i had some of the best bread ever today. it was warm and soft and just the right amount of butter and it made a tear come to my eye it was so beautiful.

yes it was.

im going to finish up this episode of writing in a moment.

i watched soccer tonight with carlos. ive never been a huge fan of soccer, as a general rule, but lately that has changed.

i dunno why. maybe because i saw some people i was good friends play for the first time. maybe because... im just growing, and hence changing.

but tonight, when i watched, it was really... it was amazing.

the way they flowed even when they fell and how they could take massive hits and how the lights from above and every side hit them just right so that they were in the middle of an x made by four of their own shadows.

that was my new observation for today.

and now im watching older cartoons.

classic stuff, early porky and daffy right now. there was a hippo on a minute ago (who was only three minutes old) and as a hippo reminds me of her (only because thats her favorite animal) the cartoon is made only better.

i get to sleep in tomorrow. go me.

and now its tom and jerry.

i never saw that movie. dont believe i ever will.

this wonderful cartoon night could only be topped off if i saw me some foghorn leghorn.

got that head over heels song stuck in my head today.

the you held your breath and the door for me part.

yes indeed. finished writing for tonight.

oh oh new cartoon new cartoon what will it be what will it be.... commercial.

i always liked "which way did he go which way did he go."

i figured out a possible way to get a third job.

its a bugs bunny one now.

one of my favorite bugs bunny cartoons is the one with the hunters or what have you tryin to make bunny soup and ol bugs gets into the boiling pot of water a little at a time.

you know:

oooh!..... oooh!...... ooh!

i used to get into the tub like that all the time.

yes indeed.

and that was that.

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