10-4-00 - 5 15 pm

i think if i was going do the... water chamber torture trick, yall know what im talking about. the one houdini made famous. awww yeah, thats what im talking bout yo.

back to what i was saying.

if i was going to do that and i had my wedding ring on (no, i dont have a wedding ring on. never been. im just saying if.) i would have to take the ring off.

i would be distracted, you see.

id be worried about it coming off while i was upside down and getting out of handcuffs and having it falling down to the bottom and everything.

i'd feel much better knowing that my ring would be held and such.

and yes, i know for the rest of this entry you're going to be picturing crayon in handcuffs.

and you're going to be distracted.

i cant blame you.

work was great, yo. boss boss (the boss of my boss) lady brought in her daughter at the tail end of the day.

that kid cracks me up. she's always laughing and smiling and she's got a mind to her.

she had homework to do and there was an empty chair next to me, hence she sat next to me.

the boss lady was sort of on the other side of me, across from me, with a counter separating us.

so i sort of edged the daughter on and sat there and laughed as she tried hitting the boss lady with rubber bands.

then we would laugh at the boss lady as she talked or some such.

good thing i have so much damn charm or might have been in trouble.

and it helps that the boss lady has seen the daughter grow for the last... five years i guess.

my thumb hurts yo.

im wearing contacts. i keep going to move my glasses.

oh will i ever learn?


i know youre still thinking of me in handcuffs.

keep on baby, keep on lusting for the modesty in human form that is crayon.

i do enjoy the attention.

heh. man, im full of it today.

full of it.

and im in handcuffs in your mind.

awww yeah.

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