10-2-00 - 11 22 pm

the kid i met at work saturday, or... got to know at work, to be more exact... i ran into again, today.

noticed, for the first time, her height.

taller than me.

not a problem, actually. almost anyones taller than me.

yeah. theres attraction there. if only on my part.

for the first time she said my name. sounded kinda nice.

i was talking to a friend this evening. i told her about the kid from the place i worked. the friend, by the by, is all about me "hooking up" with someone.

its about time, she seems to think.

so the first thing she, my friend, asked was if the kid was with anyone.

friend recently found out crayon doesnt play that whole disrespect by moving in on folks in relationships.

as far as i know, nope, the kid is free.

so my friend had me tell her about the kid. so i did, by way of sharing her bits of the conversation we had. when i got to one part, the part of us discussing kids in the futures, how we each felt about it...

yeah, how people react to the idea of kids is damn important to me. if they dont automatically cry "kids are stupid!" (which i've gotten) or any other rambling rant about the trouble with kids, then... yeah.

and the kid said she wanted some, and if she was going to have any theyd be adopted. four or five at that.

and, yeah, im all about adopting.

so the friend goes "oooh, she's perfect for you"

or something along those lines.

i was also told to go after the kid, to turn on my crayon charms and woo her.

but im still feeling things out, yo.

what else about today... ah. i fell asleep reading. in a chair. but i was awoken by someone asking how to spell halloween.

tomorrow i have to dress up all fancy like.

im not looking forward to this. not at all. but this much i can ger-un-tee:

im gonna be one fine lookin fancy crayon.

you see, i had my mom approve my outfit. my sister also double checked me.

theyve both given me the green light.

and it takes a bit to get my sister to give me the green light, just because she likes giving me a hard time.

hell. maybe ill wear contacts and reveal my amazingly blue eyes with my hair out of my face (still uncut, still a bit scruffy like) and kill a squirrel from fifty paces with my...


well. no, i wouldnt want to kill a squirrel.

squirrels are great creatures yo.

wouldnt kill anything.

so more or less i'd just be keeping fifty paces away from everything.

and that sure as hell wont charm anyone.

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