9-15-00 - 11 02 am

yes ma'am, yes ma'am.

uh huh.


yeah no, right right.

of course.

no, it's alright, i dont mind.


yes ma'am.

i look forward to sundays because that is truly my only chance to sleep in.

sucks to be an adult.

im talkin to the man in the mirror. im askin him to change his ways.

love the jackson man.

but nowhere near as much as i love tom jones.

i like birds.

i like moose.

i like pumpkins.

i like a lot of things.

i dont like those fork on knife type sounds.

i can see a tree outside my window.

at one work i can see another building. at the other work i cant see anything cause i work in the basement.

no windows.

my heart has built a house with many windows.

id invite you in, anytime, but time has come and passed and so must i, to eat, to prepare for more crap.

i get to label and label and label.

and maybe hopefully i get to write.

writing calms me.

im lulled right now.

its nice.

i want to talk to that kid, ask her out to lunch, or find some way to talk, to get to know her.

but as it is i must myself depart for lunch.

and not to talk.

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