9-6-00 - 6 28 pm

she said:

"you have something on your mouth"

i said:


"you have food on your mouth..."

i wipe my mouth. a few times.

"or did you throw up?"

and now i'm lost.

she looks back up to see me mid wipe, stopped because "throw up" confused me.

"NO, no, hehehe, your picture here."

it was of me as a baby.

and i did have food on my mouth. maybe it was throw up. i cant recall.

i could never manage in a high class dinner setting.

i wouldnt really know about all those forks and bowls and such.

hell, i went to banquet once, they had some fried chicken. i believe i was the only one who used my fingers to eat.

so this is why im hoping, in more situations like so, my charm will be turned way up and they'll be so enchanted with my stories of death defying pudding eating.

i can eat pudding with the best of them yo.

i once ate a whole serving of pudding by sucking it up through a straw.

harder than it sounds people. but i do recommend you try it, if not because you can say, hey i tried it, but also because, upon finishing the pudding, you will recieve a delightful aura of... accomplishment.

thats mighty fine people.

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