8-30-00 - 1 58 am

have you ever played the tell me something game?

where she asks you to tell her something, anything, nothing in particular, and you do.

maybe its as small as your foot hurts.

maybe its as big as im afraid im dying.

but you tell her. and then you ask her the same.

and she does.

and i... if i had any guts i would say it, repeatedly, when she asked me to tell her something. i would say how im damn wrapped up in her, so much i cant breathe sometimes.

but instead i say i sometimes hum when i eat.

and tonight.

tonight, at one point, we were talking and she tried to test me, asked me to guess something.

"what if i get it right?"

"what would you like?"

"what are you offering?"

"whatever you want."

"whatever eh?"

i didnt guess it. but later it came back into the conversation.

"what would you have wanted? had you guessed correctly."

"i probably wouldve left it up to you, had you give me something. had i guessed correctly."

"well that sucks."

to which i laughed at. and to which i was boo-ed and hissed.

"what would you have offered?"

"nothing, i would have made you pick."

"pick from what?"


"something's got to be out of bounds."

"i dont think you would ask for anything out of bounds... and if you did, i can think of anything that would be out of bounds. so, no, no bounds."

"then i wouldnt want it if you gave it because i guessed correctly. i would want it because you felt like giving it to me."

to which i was boo-ed and hissed again.

she calls me passive.

tru dat.

she's already half packed.

thursday, i think, im going to travel some. perhaps. we shall see.

probably not.

ive got good excuses though.

i tell you, you havent lived until youve been witness to a group of girls reading cosmo.

to hear " 'im hornier than my man!' " and then the girl reading crack up, lovely stuff.

that is all.

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