8-8-00 - 11 08 pm

at the coffee house place thing i went today there was:

a man, wearing an aluminum foil covered bike helmet, no straps.

he was holding a silver, seemingly new, pogo ball.

i hoped that he was an actor in the play they were putting on.

but you know, maybe he wasnt. maybe he was holding the pogo ball cause it looked like an ufo. and the ufo was a symbol of the aliens that created this fine planet.

or maybe a symbol of how we're all, deep down, aliens in our own right, looking for a phone to phone home.

and the foil covered helmet, well, that's just a symbol of how big brother is always in our head, reading our thoughts, no place is safe.


but most likely he was an actor.

and every time i see this one man (every time meaning i've only seen him twice, but both times he's made me think of this) i see hitler.

im sure this man is a nice man, i mean i even saw him go get coffee for a kid playing cards, but he's got that whole dark hair little mustache thing going on.

right... lost what i was saying...

oh, yeah, right after that i drove to this store, bought me a de la soul cd. really wanted jenifa taught me.

jenifa oh jenny.

a quick love poem:

i love chocolate milk.

i love it so much that when i'm

out of it i will say DAMMIT.

just like that, too.

D A M M I T.

all loud and shit.

at school i used to drink

three chocolate milks.

a day.

or more, if people gave it to me.

but as much as i love chocolate milk,

i'd give it up

for you.

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