8-8-00 - 3 31 pm

i've taken to listening to my tapes on this little tape recorder. something about the poor quality of the sound play back and the clickclickclick of the wheels turning makes it a new experience.

i wanted to, last night, go lie in the hammock and listen to james taylor on this little recorder and look up at the sky.

the tape batteries went out and i was too lazy to go find new batteries, so i just sat outside in the hammock.

if you lie on the hammock not the right way but across the middle of it, you can look up and theres a few feet between the tree and the house where you can see the sky.

sometimes it's couldy. sometimes it's clear.

last night (this morning, actually, but last night because i didnt fall asleep until 2) it was cloudy.

someone called me quirky last night. way before the hammock episode.

ive been called silly recently, but its been a long time since someone last called me quirky.

im one of those people who, when they scratch, dont realize how deeply they're scratching. there have been many times when i'll look down and my arm will have tiny cuts up and down it.

ive also got a high tolerance for pain, so i dont know im cutting myself until im left wondering what this or that nick is.

i once had my finger profusely bleeding.. uh... blood... from having something jab it (we still dont know what) and didnt know it until someone pointed it out to me.

why am i sharing this? i dont know.

got plans for tonight. we'll see what time i get in.

i dont like ice in my drinks. i dont like large drinks. i'm semi picky when it comes to my own drink.

just give me something small and lukewarm, ill drink it up.

i cooked lunch yo. turned out pretty good.

i need to really learn how to cook.

but you love me even though my best dish is sugar cookies, right?


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