8-6-00 - 1 29 am

soon i need to set some kind of alarm for about 9. i need to get up to wash clothes and watch a movie and find a blank audio tape.

all of this, of course, being very interesting to you.

tomorrow is a family get together out in the country at my grandparents. i dont know how long that'll last, hell, i might even spend the night, so dont be surprised if tomorrow i dont... entry up.

yes, i still sometimes crash at my grandparents.

family's a big part of my life.

even though they're a bit crazy, i still love them.

my grandma keeps her nailpolish in the fridge. she also, when my uncle was a baby, polished his white shoes every night. she then went and washed his shoe laces.

today she talked on the phone for 2 hours with a friend of hers.

and she wants me to, wednesday, go out with her and two of her friends to watch annie, the musical.

aint nothing more exciting then watching annie with grannies i tell you what.

ill probably go.

my grandma also went to chers concert.

last year, mind you.

cindi lauper was her opening act.

i would have given my right kidney to have seen my grandma at cher.

my grandma makes some damn good mashed potatoes.

and chess squares.

i have been informed not everyone knows what chess squares are.

they're three kinds of sugar with eggs tossed in.

i love them.

i love anything whos main ingredient is sugar.

i love sweet tea... really sweet tea... koolaid... cheerios with about a cup of sugar tossed on.

but this grandma isnt the grandma ill see tomorrow. that grandma, growing up, was known for her temper.

she once walked out of school cause she disagreed with a course of action her teacher was taking.

that grandma i call granny.

granny is southern baptist and really against drinking.

she had six kids.

the eldest kid and the youngest kid being something like twenty years apart in age.

i respect the women in my family. they've been through a lot and managed to hold their own.

i give them mad crayon props as i slowly slip into sleep.

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