8-4-00 - 8 28 pm

i was watching blues clues this morning, before i really got up, and steve said, i swear to you, "amorphous".

i thought that was great.

here he was talking about water and he said "amorphous"... and to think, just minutes before he was finding out, for the first time, what his hand looked like under a magnifying glass.

went out to eat tonight with family. it was great, lots of laughs to be had, but, alright, the mom said fred thompson was sexy.

for those of us who dont know, fred thompson is... senator? representative? one of the two, im thinking senator... of tennessee. and he's an actor, been in some well named movies.

but the last thing he is is sexy.

im just saying.

but she said it had to do with power.

alright. sure.

i need to mail a letter today.

i thought, you know, maybe i had finally fallen out of this little crush thing i had going with the girl.

but nope.

she's so damn beautiful.

and good looking.

funny, caring, smart.

reaches a part of me that no one else ever has.

and not for lack of trying. ive shut everyone out but her.

hell, she didnt even try to get in, she was just... there.

i woke up one day and realized she was safe. and i trusted her.

and shes accepting and understanding and its all i can do to not reach over and brush her hair off her face.

whoever she spends the rest of her life with better treat her damn well. better make her dreams come true, better know what her dreams are.

my granny, when she was a wee kid, walked out school because she was mad at the teacher.

you go granny.

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