6-18-00 - 5 08 am

she tells me it was just pms. alright.

was out watching my sister play some softball today just cause. she wasnt playing just cause, i was watching just cause, to clarify that. she gets kind of cocky when shes out there, but hey. i think she might have right to be, but dont tell her i ever said that.

the point is, i was out there watching her and all of a sudden i got this big ol urge to write.

havent had that in a long time. or at least a while.

so i wrote.

it was ok, and i like one or two lines out of it.

will i share it here? nope. youve gotta ask.

unless youre a few people in particular, then i just shove my stuff on you.

she plays again today. i dont think im going to go out. its not much fun watching a team lose over and over (which they shouldnt be, they just... do. its aggrivating because they can be better than that. and the coach could make better calls. im just saying.) when the concession stand is clear across the damn park. i need hot dogs people.

and kit kat bars.

ohhh damn just break me off a piece.

im thirsty.

so what am i doing for fathers day, you shall ask.

i shall reply well, today my dad has to take my sister to her games. and we have no clue how that will turn out. so it looks like, later on, like next weekend if today goes wasted, i shall take him, with the rest of the family, out to eat at a restaurant hes always wanted to go to but weve never been. my treat.

i never knew he wanted to go there until after prom.

see, its where we went, before prom.

hes an amazing dad.

dont tell him this, but he's kind of funny, too.

he once held a dollar bill up. held it there for a while. goes "hey look! a deer!

"oh, it's just a little dough"

get it? doe. dough. dollar bill.

thats his type of humor.

and, by way of growing up around him, my humor brushes that type, too. so i had to say:

"well, you could've said its a buck."

and we both laughed over our wittiness while my sister shook her head sadly.

i wish i had spurs. i would wear them all the time. and i'd make sure they were shiny, because who honestly wants some rusty spurs hanging off the back of their heels?

hey, today would be a good day for suspenders. if the right pants are dried, i shall wear my suspenders. theyre red.

another thing that truly creaps me out: dolls. dolls lined up, just sitting there. those glassy little unblinking eyes. clown dolls are even worse.

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