6-14-00 - 10 08 pm

i cant remember if the introduction to superman really impressed me or not. im talking bout that whole faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound thing.

the faster than a speeding bullet, i know, did nothing for me. i was young, so im not too sure if i really understood what a bullet was about, but thats not why it didnt impress me. see, i had already been introduced to the flash, and cmon, that guy has some speed.

as you can see, even back then i was a hard kid to impress.

i was thinking about it, and i wonder if "leap tall buildings" really needed to be followed by "a single bound". that feat in and of itself should be impressive enough. is superman any less of a man if he has to take one hop first?

apparentally so.

on another note, i really enjoy pablo neruda. and ee cummings. and shel silverstein. but pablo neruda, good god almighty. good stuff.

if youre going to have mustard and ketchup provided, why dont you have mayonnaise as well? theyre a trio, whether or not you use them as one, but cmon people.

and as long as we're talking about concessions stands (i am, trust me), how can you not have either mello yello or mountain dew? just sprite. sprite is water with a kick. i enjoy a good sprite now and then, dont get me wrong, but youve gotta have something stronger.

its the second time in a week a kid ive known, for a week, has popped the phrase "dear" on me. i enjoy her company and all, but i dont want her getting too fond of me. im not worth it.

yeah, thats enough for now

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