2011-09-15 - 9:39 p.m.

I'm doing better these days than I was about a week ago. The sadness has faded back to a little ball that rests deep in me, right next to my backbone, like it usually does.

I had a brief medical scare earlier in the week when the side of my face ballooned up at work. I felt very elephant man like and limped out to my car at work crying out "I am not an animal!"

That may or may not be a lie (it's a lie) but the face swelling is not. I had blood work today but I'm pretty sure it was just a reaction to maybe a bug bite.

Or too much awesome was swelling up in me and my body couldn't handle it any more and my face was trying to show the world how full of awesome I am.

So I started talking to this really cute girl last week. Really, really cute. Like thirteen steps out of my league cute. And I kept thinking man why are you talking to me, but we kept in touch every day for... geeze, a week, maybe? Yeah. I was trying to be smooth, not push it, but I really wanted to ask her out.... and then she disappeared. I haven't heard from her in like a week and I don't want to be pushy or creepy or anything so I'm letting a little bit of time go by before I try getting in touch with her again... but. I don't know.

The thing is, though I'm not the best looking kid around, I've got a lot to offer and I know why someone should talk to me. I'm funny and I'm kind and I want to know all about you, everything, and I want to write you things that will make you get all twitterpated and I want to excuse myself from the table where you and your friends are at so your friends can say "yeah, crayon is pretty awesome."

Because I am.

I want to touch the small of your back as you cook us dinner. I want to cook you dinner. I want you to meet my grandmother. I want you to to ride out with me late night, in the rain, to this park I know and swing with me.

The thing is, the thing about it is, I've just gotta figure out who you are. And then I can stay gold, ponyboy.

Until then though I'll just keep dancing and/or limping like the elephant man. Cause I hear thats whats attracting everyone these days.

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