2008-04-27 - 4:01 p.m.

What the hell:

I had a dream I was a girl pretending to be a boy who all the girls loved (I mean, well, of course) and the only reason I was pretending to be a boy was because my dad was a drunk and couldn't afford any new clothes so I had to wear my older brothers' clothes and then I ran away but as I was running away I became a cop who could fly and so I was flying to chase this girl-boy and my partners and I finally caught her-him and we went back to interview her-him and as the lead female interview was leading her-him to an interview room a cop watched the female walk by and the boy-girl said something alluding to the fact that the female interviewer liked the boy-girl and the cop shook his head like "oh, that little rascal!"


A real entry to follow soon.

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