2007-10-14 - 5:09 p.m.

Kelly is amazing. After writing that stuff we spent the night out of town for a wedding (which she looked amazing at) and then I got tipsy and then she took great care of me.

This morning she got up and went out and got me Mello Yello and Fruit Gushers, which is like the best breakfast ever.

She's at work now.

I've been hanging out on the couch, watching tv and napping.

This is the nap dream I had:

I just remember from the point of driving in my car, at night, past a road block. I got distracted and looked down, then looked back up.

I saw a trash can in my lane, so I swerved onto the shoulder. Except there was no shoulder, just a drop off.

And as I was driving I thought "this isn't good."

Then all of a sudden it was as if someone grabbed me and just pulled me straight up. I saw the ground moving away from me and I started thinking "so this is what happens when you die."

I knew I was dead and I was going to... where ever. Heaven. After life.

And I started thinking maybe this is just near-death experience because I just am not ready for this. I have to get home to Kelly, I can't do this to her.

And that thought made me wake up.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to die by a car wreck. I have had a lot of car death dreams. This was the first one in which I actually died.

The dreams make me super careful when I drive.

And now I have to get ready for dinner with Kelly's sister.

Peace out fools.

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