8-29-07 - 2 40 pm

So the thing is, I didn't get the promotion.

And not for lack of anything. The highest manager there wanted / wants me to be a supervisor.

It's just my... second highest supervisor wanted someone else. But we talked and he said "it was really close."

Which doesn't do me too much good.

And because I'm taking this whole new positive approach to everything, I'm thinking that all right, there was a reason I did not get this promotion.

This is the conclusion I have reached:

A) It's a sign I need to get out of my job and finally go back to school to be a teacher.

B) It's a sign I need to go to third shift and really start writing again.

C) Both of my supervisors approached me and told me they had talked to the detention facility down the road and they want me there, as a supervisor. So it's a sign that I need to transfer to a different facility.

I just have to figure out what sign to follow.

I'm leaning to the idea that it's not sign C. But who knows. Maybe I am meant to work with crazy teenage females who have nothing to lose and so are ten times as crazy as the boys.


And I think it's not sign B, because Kelly doesn't want to sleep without me.

So that leaves sign A.

Bah. I say. Bah.

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