2006-03-16 - 6:44 a.m.

Got the job. Start Monday.

Got the girl.

Will have a good dog when I get my apartment.

Pretty damn good year, thus far.

My sister turned 21 Monday. It was raining, so I called her and said, "do you know why it's raining? It's raining because God is crying because you're 21 and it means you'll be drunk all the time, way to go."

And my sister laughed.

For the first time in a really long time I feel like I'm more myself than ever. I don't have to edit out my dorkiness around her, I don't have to stop myself from making a bad joke or a sacreligous comment.

This is horribly cheesy, but it kind of fits: it is almost like someone took half of me and poured it into a really cute girl with amazing hands.

Amy's complaint, at the end, was that I was judgmental, so I've been warning Kelly about it. Last night we had the following conversation:

"How are you not perfect?"
"Uh, I'm judgmental, for one."
"So am I. Look, those people are Chinese! See? Now I'm not only judgmental, I'm racist too, thanks."

Somehow today I have to quit my job, and I don't really know how to do it, other than just being all "peace out yo!" which I kind of want to do, but I don't know.

In summation:
Best year ever keeps on trucking.

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