11-12-04 - 10:43 p.m.

we go through all of this hiding behind words.
it's okay, we say.
i don't mind, you tell him.
i love you, he said.
words, they're around us, they're transmitted through the air, they're there for you to reach out and grab.
words flow through you.
you eat them.
you dream them.
and then you use them as a shield.
you buiold up this wall, this brick by brick room of words that separate you from everyone else.
you do it to show that you're different than his exwife.
you di it to show that your different than that employee you replaced.
you do it to show that you're different than that asshole you were three years ago.
sometimes there's nothing like being silent.
in other news, i bought a car today. i'm almost officially grown up.
i'm in debt,which kills me.
so i'm taking a second job just because i really can't stand the idea of owing someone anything.
also in this just in: i am hungry. so i'm going to eat. so take that middle class america!

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