5-13-04 - 12:48 a.m.

list time, of all mostly real stuff but i tend to extend the truth slightly ALL THE DAMN TIME except not really.

or maybe.



1) i sat in a park today and read. little kids came and played and one was named emily. she had curly hair and reminded me of this picture i saw of emily when she was 4.

2) at the park i got a lot of sun. A LOT. as in now my left leg really hurts when i walk, skin wise. just the left leg, too. it's tight and i want to cut it off. but i am tough and so will just rub vinegar on it. and hobble around like my knee was shot off in the war.

3) the other day at work they were deciding who to send home. across the building theresa, my assistant manager, yelled "i want to keep crayon." and i said okay. then she pointed at me and yelled, "but only because i have a crush on you."

it made me smile. and the girl ive got a mild crush on (who wants to be a freaking pastry chef) laughed.

4) since then, i've been talking to theresa a little more.

5) theresa's got a boyfriend.

6) i got insanely pissed off hearing that republican senator (i forget his name, i know he's not from tennessee) say he was more outrage over the outrage over the photos than the actual photos themselves. because, you know, those prisoners might of had the blood of americans on their hands.

that's a god damn piss poor excuse for mistreating another human being, especially ESPECIALLY when we're trying to take the moral/religious/political high road. either we uphold our standards for everyone, possible amercian murders included, or we're losing sight of what is supposed to make this land great.

7) i respect the soliders. i respect the kids going over there and fighting and dying. but at the same time, i think we're losing them to a stupid, stupid cause. an eye for an eye is a ridiculous policy, just like turning the other cheek does no good in the end.

8) i get scared, sometimes, thinking about what will happen after july. i'll be in a plane going to fucking brazil.

9) if i can walk without my skin on my leg turning me into a big puddle of stupidly charming tears.

10) there is a person up here with my exact same name. they started working for my old company and my sister (who works for the same company, just in a different city) called me and left a voice message asking me if i had gone back to working for them. apparently people were mentioning it.

11) then my mom called and asked the same thing.

12) i said no. both times. and laughed.

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