4-27-04 - 10:47 p.m.

about five, six months ago emily was telling me about how she needed to see a movie for one of her classes, and so she went to blockbuster to rent it.

she didn't have a card and, for whatever reason, they wouldn't allow her to become a member.

so i did what any fool does. i called up blockbuster, went to the store, and put her name onto my account.

about a month after that was her winter break, and she came back.

during one of the few times i got to see her, i remembered what i had done. so i handed her my membership card and told her.

she didnt want to take it. she said she wouldn't use it. i shouldn't have done it.

i made her take the card.

and, promptly, i forgot all about it.

until today.

until i opened my mail and received a payment notice from blockbuster for late fees.

i looked at the movies. hours and quills.

i thought "wait, i havent rented those movies, there's something wrong."

and then i thought "eh, it's probably just my sister or something."

then i realized that didnt make sense. so i looked at the mail again.

it was sent from arizona.

emily had used my card. rented some movies. turned them in late.

and seeing that, it made me smile.

because i had done something right, done something she had used to have fun.

something she got some benefit from that doesn't make my life any better or easier.

so i guess that's a plus.

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