3-27-04 - 1 30 am

i have discovered that if i were to live on my own, without worrying about a roommate appearing to finish moving and such, i would probably be naked.

all the damn time.

and i would probably eat on the floor in front of the couch.

and i would probably have a chair by the front door where in i would deposit shirts as soon as i walked in the door.

also i would have music going all the time.

abbey road and house of the holy and pet sounds and such.

newer things, too.

just music.

and if i had a girlfriend, i'd invite her over.

and i'd have a fort prebuilt in the living room using kitchen chairs and my old quilt and we would lay there and watch the goonies. and chitty chitty bang bang.

but, alas, i have none of these.

and so im sitting clothed.

but damn the system, im about to eat on the floor in front of the couch!

take that, mr. man!

i'll show you.

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