12-22-03 - 4 41 pm

while i wasn't able to convince her to let me see her yesterday: "i think we should wait until after i come back crayon."

and i couldn't convince her to let me take her out to lunch: "i'm already going out with rebekah and i'm having dinner with the parents."

i got permission to drive by her house and wave: "or come and stare in the window."

i called her last night from work and we talked some.

now, i don't know how many of you realize this, but i'm really stubborn. horribly stubborn sometimes.

and completely impatient with the pace of things sometimes.

especially when i'm waiting for something and have been told that there's not a set date yet.

and so emily and i got into an argument about whether or not once she got back if she would call me at work. she said no. because i would leave work.

and i said yes. because i would want to leave.

and so we argued.

and i have found someone who is more stubborn than i am.

either that, or someone who's just stubborn enough and pretty enough and great enough and funny enough to make me not be stubborn for once in my life.

and i said "so i'm never going to win an argument am i?"

and she said "no."

however, eventually she did take my work number, just to apease me, because i was sitting in the safe room (yeah, don't ask) growling like i do when i get really frustrated and know there's nothing at all i can do to make things better.

so she took my number and then said "wait, that's long distance, i'm not calling long distance."

when i finally called her on her stubbornness being greater than mine, she said "yeah, mine's sneaky. with you people could walk up to you on the street and say "you, you're stubborn"."

and i said "yeah, especially when i'm wearing my "i'm stubborn" t-shirt."

i dont think she appreciated my humor too much right then.


and now it's time to shower and then head to work. and if any of yall would like to finish my christmas shopping for me, please do.

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