6-11-02 - 11 16 pm

i've been sick going on six days now.

various degress of recovery.

right now im feeling like im pretty much over the worst of it, but then it'll strike, again. stomach wanting to return to the light through my mouth. fuzziness from the neck down. such and such.

and ive still managed to go to work every single damn day.

take that cal ripkin jr.

kim came by and saw me today, for a little bit.

i had pulled her close to me, hugging her, my head buried in her shoulder, cause i just wanted to sleep, right there. right in her arms, standing up, with her heat surrounding me.

it would've been good and healing and i miss her.

but yeah she was holding me, and my nose started to run. and i was torn between staying and leaving to wipe my nose, so none of my snot would've gotten on her.

that's trust from me, right there. there's no one else out there i'd feel comfortable enough to even consider snotting on.

im sleepy.

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