9-26-01 - 12 17 am

it feels as if my throat is not right.

as in one side is swollen. the right side.

as in i am part hypocondriac.

give me a second so i can finally, finally, look in the mirror and see if i am actually swelling or what.

nah. im not.

however, i did notice a few stray whiskers i need to take care of at a later date.

only two full days are left separating us. two. wednesday and thursday. then 18 more hours, give or take.

hell, not even two full days, because it is wednesday.

there are things i am becoming a firm believer about. with life i think it all boils down to happiness. to making others happy and to being happy within yourself.

and when you have that right happiness going on, everything else falls into place.

because all the shitty, unimportant stuff falls away.


i, that is.

i am left with good friends, good food, laughter all around.

and an incredible person who misses me.

who likes me.

who loves me.

and an unidentified burn on my pinkie, but that's a story for another entry.

right now i have to get my tired ass to bed.

long day coming up.

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