5-24-01 - 8 42 pm

so. news news news:

i have another job.

i start work tomorrow, i work the entire weekend, on perhaps the busiest weekend of the season.

so basically tomorrow is sink or swim time. i work from open to close, which will probably be a good 14 hours straight.

im really looking forward to it.

kat still hasn't called me. i really hate being at the mercy of beautiful women. who also aren't half bad to look at.

my birthday is in two days.

my old boss has yet to call me about my check, so i'm almost positive that, for some reason, i am not getting paid. and she doesn't want me to hate her, so she hasnt told me. because friday, the last day i worked, was horrible and made her want to cry at least four times and nearly broke my spirit.

barbara keeps asking me to come see her, and i want to.

i thought my sister hit a dog, but actually the dog attacked her door as we inched by him.

my watch has finally given the ghost up. at least, the band has, i'm going to have to replace it. which makes me really sad, because it was a damn good watch, band and all, that has seen me through a lot of times.

get it? watch? seen me through a lot of TIMES.



went out to eat tonight, the waitress was sort of nervous, i loved her. she struck a familiar chord in me, you see.

i drank a large chocolate milk for supper, too.

im missing the girl, but then again, im always missing her.

i really wanted to see kat this week, before my birthday, to figure out if we had something going on between us or not, but now i probably wont, what with the working, so if SHE EVER CALLS, i might just ask her on the phone and get it over with and ahhh WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO DAMN JUNIOR HIGHISH?

i wish i had her number, or an email address, or some nonsense. i wish she would just call me.

at the end of the countdown my head will explode.

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