3-13-01 - 10 28 pm

it tends that i now spend more time with my friends sisters than i do with my friends.

yes, i miss the friends, but the sisters are great too.

and not that they're lustfully great, dont go thinking that. these sisters are often AT LEAST seven years younger than me.

and thats not only wrong but illegal as well.

i spent time today with a friend's sister. great great kid, at one point we shared a look and it flashed into mind.

as young as this girl is, she's a great kid, well on her way to be an amazing woman.

i got to assist in a ball practice today. considering i havent picked up a glove since sometime mid summer, i dont think i did too bad.

but i didnt do good enough. yall know how that goes.

made one catch im quite proud of, so we'll just focus on that.

not on what im missing. not on that a lot of people have already settled into their minds the idea that im never seriously playing ball again.

the girl (not the friend's sister, but THE girl) told me tonight that i wasnt myself.

and im not.

im... im just not.

i boo myself right now.


sister turned 16 today. think she liked the gifts i got her. know she liked one of em, at least.

got to listen to the labor stories. first the sisters, because it is her day and blah blah blah.


but then we heard mine.

i almost died, you know.

just imagine what your lives would be like without a crayon.

scary thought eh?

but hey, look at it this way:

since the moment i was born ive cheated death. every day ive lived is another day im winning.

thats not too shoddy eh?

now i sleep.

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