12-6-00 - 11 06 am

dont get me wrong. beneath it all i am ok.

ive caught a cold.

i ate a tangerine last night, on order. i got about 7 hours of sleep with only two wake ups. i took some medicine before i slept.

my throat doesn't hurt near as bad. my nose is still as stuffed.

im not near as light headed as i was last night. still, i pause when i answer the phone because saying the opening mumbo seems to move me forward while my brain slides backward.

i want nothing more than to curl up until dinner, just keep myself warm and fuzzy minded.

but ive got to work. three and half hours in two hours.

does that make sense?

in two hours i am going back to work, you see.

listen, im alright.

she said every nook and cranny. and that is the way it is for me with her.

i still smile. laugh... well, no, chuckle, because full out laughing takes too much.

im still here, yo.

thats the important part.

im still here.

dont cry for me.

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